ngrok ( is a great way to connect to a web server (e.g jupyter notebook server) on your home machine or simply ssh into it. A basic account is free. When you register, you will get an authtoken. Use that to create a config file on your home machine:

ngrok authtoken <YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN>

This puts the authtoken in ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml. Edit this file and add the following lines:

    proto: http
    addr: 8888
    proto: tcp
    addr: 22

Next, start ngrok using:

ngrok start --all

Once you do this, you get a monitoring display that lists the forwarding addresses. At this point, you can point your browser to https://<your-address> to connect to your Jupyter notebook.

To ssh to your machine, you will have to use the syntax: ssh <user> -p <xxxxx> where p is the forwarding port you see on the monitoring screen.