• Assumes you have a blog set up using FastPages. If not, you can quickly create one going through the steps listed here. Note that you can create multiple FastPages blogs inside your github account, each in a separate repo.

  • Add an update-nb.yaml file to directory <repo>.github/workflows in your blog repo. Starting points for this file are: update-nb.yaml template (or a trimmed version here that does not use issues to trigger or monitor your workflow: my trimmed template

    • The only things to change here are the cron schedule (question - can you set up a separate schedule by notebook?)

    • Update the install dependencies section with any steps you need for your notebooks to run

  • Add run_notebooks.sh to directory <repo>/_action_files. The template I started with was: run_notebooks.sh template

    • In this file you can control which notebooks get updated on the schedule you have set up.
  • Add the notebooks to directory <repo>/_notebooks. Specific rules for how to customize your notebook so that it looks “good” when coverted to a blog post can be seen here: Notebook commands for FastPages

  • That is basically it! Once these code changes are checked in, Github Actions will get scheduled per your cron settings in update-nb.yaml. You can monitor the actions from the Actions link in the toolbar at the top of the github link for your repo. You can view the steps inside the Update Notebooks And Refresh Page action. If there are any errors, the messages are pretty explanatory.
