• environment.yml has pytorch<0.4 which causes pytorch to not get updated if pytorch is not already installed. Had to do the following:
  • also had to install fastai manually
  • also installing some other useful libraries
    pip install --force pytorch
    pip install fastai
    pip install gpustat
    pip install google-images-download
  • download google chromedriver
    wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.39/chromedriver_linux64.zip
    unzip chromedriver.zip
    sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin


  • Use https://github.com/boxabirds/fastai-helpers to create new dataset:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boxabirds/fastai-helpers/master/training-data-generator.py

This package uses https://github.com/hardikvasa/google-images-download

  • You can use this as follows to download 200 images of horse and hippo in subdirectory data\horsehippo with train-valid split of 80-20 (note no spaces after the comma between category names, supports > 2 categories):

python training-data-generator.py -d data/horsehippo -s "horse,hippo" -q 200 -v 20

  • A faster option to generate a dataset is to use https://github.com/prairie-guy/ai_utilities. A sample workflow would be as follows:
    git clone https://github.com/prairie-guy/ai_utilities.git
    cd ai_utilities/
    tar xvzf geckodriver-v0.19.1-linux64.tar.gz
    sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin
python image_download.py 'horse' 200 --engine 'google'
python image_download.py 'hippo' 200 --engine 'google'
mv dataset horsehippo2
./filter_img.sh horsehippo2/horse
./filter_img.sh horsehippo2/hippo
python make_train_valid.py horsehippo2 --train 0.7 --valid 0.15 --test 0.15
mv horsehippo2 ~/fastai/courses/dl1/data/